Whether you just want to know a little more about your ancestry, or track down someone specific, HDIGH? can help. We offer a broad range of research services, from the very basic to the highly focused. Tell us what you want to know, and we will do everything we can to give you the answer.
Have you taken a DNA test, but have no idea WTF the results mean? Let us help you out. We'll help you make sense of the results, contact matches, and explain the language of genetic genealogy.
Do you look at other people's family trees and think "dang, I wish I could build that"? We've got you covered. HDIGH? will build your family tree for you, and give you all of the information you need to keep it going.
HDIGH? is not only a research company, it is also a creative endeavor. Our goal is not just to tell your ancestral history, it is to tell it in the most interesting and artistic way possible. From photo books to detailed biographies, paintings to poems, we strive to merge history, art, and humour.
We begin by interviewing you, gathering all of the information you can provide about your family. Regardless of how much or how little you know about your ancestry, this gives us a starting point, and gives us an idea of what you hope to learn.
We pride ourselves on our ability to analyze historical records, such as census records, military documents, parish records, newspaper articles, and more. We ensure that every name added to your tree has been thoroughly researched and sourced, to provide you with the most accurate tree possible.
Many of our clients are interested, but hesitant, when it comes to taking an ancestral DNA test. We will walk you through this process, explaining how the most popular tests differ, what you may (or may not) find, how accurate the tests are, and more.